New milestone: Student Training Week at the ESRANGE Space Center

Between February 4 and 10, our team journeyed beyond the Arctic Circle to update on the current status of the Project TELLER experiment. The latest event in the REXUS/BEXUS program was the Student Training Week, held at the ESRANGE Space Center in the northern reaches of Sweden, in an isolated location. The nearest village was 20 km from the base, and temperatures hovered around -28°C.🥶

Throughout the week, we attended informative lectures on electronic, mechanical, and thermal design, reliable software development, testing, project management, environmental conditions during launch, and on how to prepare a scientific article based on measured data at the end of the program.

Midweek marked our turn to present the progress of our project to the experts (PDR – Preliminary Design Review). Our presentation went exceptionally well, and the committee expressed great satisfaction with our progress.🔥

Encouraged by the positive feedback and the knowledge gained from the lectures, we move ahead with renewed vigor toward the next milestone. This is scheduled for June, when we must travel to the German Space Agency in Oberpfaffenhofen with the final version of our experiment plans (CDR – Critical Design Review).

Watch the Student Training Week Aftermovie on our Facebook
